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What To Wear When You Have Nothing To Wear…

Unlocking Your Wardrobe's Potential: Overcoming the "I Have Nothing to Wear" Dilemma

We've ALL been here – standing in front of your closet that’s full of clothes, thinking “I have nothing to wear”....

But you JUST went shopping. How is this still possible?? You’re  frustrated and overwhelmed, and don’t know where to begin.

But not to worry, that’s all behind us now. Let’s get into it and talk about navigating all of your wardrobe challenges and finding the perfect solution for you… so that you never say “I don’t know what to wear” ever again.

Embracing Your Closet Full of Clothes

I know where you’re at. You’re constantly thinking “I have too many clothes… but I like them all”. The truth is, a closet full of clothes that don’t fit, flatter, or fulfill you can be the main reason for why you feel so overwhelmed. If you find yourself in this rut, I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU…

The fact that you’re reading this means you’re at the point where you want change, and you want it now.

So first thing’s first, It's time for a CLOSET CLEANOUT!!

To start, go through your closet section by section and ask yourself “when was the last time I wore this?”. If you haven’t worn it in over a year, chances are you’re never going to wear it again. Then ask yourself “does this clothing article make me feel good when I put it on?”. If it doesn’t fit right, flatter your body, or fulfill you, TOSS IT! 

Finding the Holes in your Wardrobe

The key to turning a closet full of clothes into a closet full of OUTFITS is to have all of the necessary staples that will allow you to easily create outfits.

Begin by identifying your favorite pieces – those items that stood out to you online that you thought make you feel confident and powerful. Then, ask yourself “how would I style this piece?”. Think of occasions where you would wear this piece, and how you would style it based on what you have in your wardrobe.

When doing this, you’ll likely find that you're missing a lot of necessary pieces such as accessories and BASICS (like solid white/ black tees, tanks, and bodysuits) that would allow you to create the outfit you envisioned for that $550 Alice + Olivia blazer that you just had to buy (but cannot style!). 

Less is MORE in your wardrobe…How Much Clothes Is Too Much? 

We all know the saying less is more…and this 100% translates in your wardrobe.

When your closet is overflowing with trendy pieces, or what I like to call “stand out pieces” (pieces that you bought because they stood out to you, but have no idea how to style), it's no wonder you have no idea what to wear.

The goal is to have a well-curated wardrobe containing only pieces you actually wear, and all of the necessary pieces that will allow you to style outfits everyday. A smaller collection of high-quality items can offer way more outfit options than a closet overflowing with impulse purchases.

Reasons Behind the Dilemma: Addressing Your Wardrobe Concerns

  • Your clothes no longer fit you: Weight fluctuations can cause a serious disconnect with your wardrobe. You likely have a plethora of pieces in your closet that don’t fit right anymore, that are just sitting there sad and lonely. 

  • You’re missing wardrobe staples: Having those basic staples is absolutely ESSENTIAL for creating outfits. Do me a favor and go look at those outfits you’ve pinned on Pinterest that you LOVE but always think “I could never make an outfit like this”. There’s always one common denominator in these outfits… A WHITE TEE! The one piece you never think to buy, but NEED in order to create the looks you want to recreate.  

  • Your wardrobe doesn't reflect you: You’ve likely outgrown a majority of pieces in your wardrobe. As you are evolving, your wardrobe + style should evolve. It’s time to embrace letting go of anything that no longer resonates with you, and replenish your wardrobe with pieces that make you feel like the powerful ambitious person you are. YOU DESERVE IT. 

How to Resolve the Dilemma: Practical Solutions

  • Do a Closet Cleanout: I get it, you’re busy, but IT'S TIME. Block some time out of your busy life to assess your wardrobe and let go of ANY + ALL  items that no longer serve you. Ask yourself those questions “when was the last time I wore this?”, “where will I wear this?”, “how does this piece make me feel?”, “do I have all of the right pieces to style this?”. If it doesn’t align with you, it has no business being in your wardrobe! You deserve better.

  • Fill in those wardrobe holes: Once you’ve cleaned out your closet, you’ll likely find that you're missing a lot of necessary pieces such as accessories and BASICS that will allow you to style outfits easily. Build a shopping list, and fill in those holes!!

  • Hire a stylist: I know, this is all a lot to ask of someone who just simply doesn’t have the time, or gets overwhelmed at the thought of shopping/ going through their closet. But you’re in luck – a Personal Stylist will do ALL OF THIS for you! Let’s start your style journey!