The Magic of Wardrobe Consulting for an Elevated Morning Routine

Picture this: it’s 8AM, you have to leave the house in 15 minutes, your wardrobe is a mess, none of your clothes fit you right, and you cannot figure out what to wear.

Your clothes are now in a mess across the floor, you’re flustered and rushing, so you eventually settle on an outfit you’ve worn 20 times already – and honestly? You never feel good when you wear it – but it’ll do.

Trust me, I've been there too, and I totally get it! The good news? 

  1. You're not alone, and 

  2. We are here to guide you out of your wardrobe chaos.

Welcome to Closet Fairy:  where we're all about elevating your personal style and simplifying your life – starting with your wardrobe.  

Wake Up to a Wardrobe That Aligns With You

Listen, no one #wokeuplikethis. We know there are only a few hours each morning to transform yourself from “I-just-woke-up-almost-missed–my-alarm -need-to-get-the-kids-up-do-I-have-time-for-a-workout”  to a confident powerhouse that’s ready to take on their day. Those hours are precious and the last thing on your to-do list should be standing in front of your closet with no clue what to wear or where to even begin. 

But what if there was a way to transform your morning routine into a seamless experience where you DO have time to do everything you need to do – AND walk out the door feeling incredible? 

Enter the world of wardrobe consulting, where we work our magic to curate a personalized and effortless wardrobe for you. What we do isn’t just about your clothes; it's about crafting a wardrobe that reflects your unique style, fits your lifestyle, and simplifies your daily routine.

Closet Fairy is a team of Wardrobe Consultants:  here to reignite your love for putting together outfits that make you feel like your best self – because when you feel good in your clothes, you radiate self-confidence. So, say goodbye canceling plans because you have nothing to wear and hello to walking into rooms feeling empowered in your clothes. We will have your confidence glowing, so that you have the compliments flowing – DAILY.

Say Goodbye to Wearing The Same Thing Everyday

You're staring into your closet full of clothes with nothing to wear… again; while wondering if Jenny from accounting will notice you're wearing the same outfit.. Yes, the same one you wore on Monday (it's Wednesday).

Real talk: it's not a crime to repeat outfits. If you love it, wear it. 

What IS a problem is if you're so overwhelmed by your wardrobe that you're only wearing what's on top of the pile because trying anything else is just too much.

If you find yourself constantly choosing the same clothing combinations out of habit, convenience, or uncertainty… that’s a clue that it’s time for a change.

And that’s where we come in.

Streamline Your Morning Routine with a Personal Stylist

Imagine starting your day with confidence, feeling good in your outfit, and having extra time for yourself and your loved ones. It's not a dream; it's our client's reality. A burst of energy to start your day doesn't have to come from an iced almond milk vanilla latte you order regularly from the coffee shop around the block - it starts with you looking fabulous in the mirror!

Here are Closet Fairy’s 7 Tips for a Smooth Morning:

  1. Dress With Intention — Start your day with intention. Stand in front of your closet and decide how you want to show up today. How do you want to feel? Are you feeling bold and powerful, ready to make a statement? Do you want to feel effortlessly elegant in something chic and classy? Or do you just want to be comfortable and cozy? Take a moment to align your day with how you're feeling, and let your outfit speak to it.

  2. Try Pre-Planning Your Outfits To Start Your Day With Ease — Try creating a weekly outfit plan – or what we like to call, a weekly lookbook. Lay out your clothes and take photos of the full outfits. Now put those clothes aside for easy access so you’ll know exactly what to put on when you wake up every morning. Planning your outfits for the week means less work during the week – like meal prepping…but for your wardrobe!

    Oh, did we mention this?... Our clients receive a digital lookbook of everything they own styled for them – but this is your sign to create a weekly lookbook of your own!

What we do is combine what you own with handpicked finds from global retailers to create ENDLESS options for you to choose from. When you have a digital lookbook, getting dressed is a matter of simply:

  • Selecting your outfit of the day from your digital lookbook.

  • Finding the pieces in your newly organized and styled wardrobe.

  • Putting them on your body and feeling the confidence to start your day.

Getting dressed shouldn’t be stressful, all it takes is finding the right pieces that will light you up and empower you to show up for yourself throughout the day.

3. Wardrobe Organization to Eliminate Stress and Find Your Favorites — POV: It's 8:55, you have a Zoom meeting at 9, and you can't find the one top that fits you well, but you know you saw it over the weekend. It might be crumpled in the corner. Or maybe hanging under a jacket? You're flustered and frustrated…and suddenly half of your closet is on the floor.

Yes, I've been there too - and no, I didn't find the top in time. An organized closet eliminates the stress of finding your favorite pieces. It’s time to declutter and let go of what no longer fits, flatters, or fulfills you – and arrange your wardrobe by category + color for easy access and outfit creation.

4. Mix and Match To Create Fresh Looks Effortlessly — Mix and match within your current wardrobe to create fresh, Pinterest-worthy looks without constantly shopping for new pieces. We like to work around “outfit formulas” like “jeans - tank - blazer -sneakers - bag”; which allow you to learn your way around forming effortlessly chic outfits.

5. Use The Power of Accessories to  Elevate Your Look — Don't underestimate the impact of accessories! They are fabulous tools to easily elevate any outfit. Basic look? Let us show you how to add a little bit of spice!

Whether it's a statement belt, layered jewelry, a fun bag, or a chic scarf, accessories are one of the easiest ways to add a lil' personality/ pizazz to any look.

6. Keep Your Options Fresh by Rotating Seasonally — Switch out your wardrobe with the seasons! It's like having a new wardrobe without having to go shopping – AND a major space saver in your closet. This way, you can see and utilize every piece of clothing you have. Seasonal switching also makes it easier to edit your wardrobe when necessary.

7. Knowing What Style Is Ideal for You — When it comes to understanding how to dress for your body type –  it's all about embracing and understanding your unique silhouette. Explore what flatters your figure to help you make the most of your wardrobe and get ready to unlock both you and your closet's full potential when getting dressed for the day!

It’s Not As Stressful As You Might Think…

We spend the majority of our days making choices and decisions – it’s exhausting, but that’s why we offer a refreshing method to navigate fashion and curate your personal style.

When you have a closet that supports you instead of fights you – you are able to transform your morning routine from a chaotic chore into a fun and effortless daily ritual. Streamlining your morning routine through your wardrobe not only saves you precious AM time, but it boosts your confidence and allows you to step into your day feeling powerful and prepared.

You deserve to start your day with a fresh look in the mirror wearing a powerful outfit that screams "I have arrived".

So, if you find yourself constantly battling your overflowing closet each morning, consider the magic of wardrobe consulting. It's an investment in yourself, your time, and your style — an investment that can change the way you get dressed for the day for the rest of your life.

Say goodbye to the fashion frustrations of the past – and embrace a streamlined, stress-free morning routine that leaves you feeling poised, confident, and ready to conquer the day.


7 Steps to Make Your Mornings Easier — From a Personal Stylist


What To Wear When You Have Nothing To Wear…